

办公酒店不仅仅是一个热桌 ... 这是一种体验

Strategies to help boost your company’s office hoteling experience that will keep your employees coming back for more


There’s no question that the post-COVID workplace looks a lot different, and it’s not just about the physical office space but rather when, 在哪里, 以及人们是如何工作的. Companies are re-thinking their corporate real estate strategies to respect their employees’ new work styles, 首选项, 舒适程度, while faced with a fierce race for attracting and retaining top talent in a time of an unprecedented global labor shortage and high turnover rates.

在如此动荡的劳动力市场, striking the right balance between the employees’ values and the workplace model best suited to the company’s corporate culture is critical. What most people are looking for — or expecting — from their employers in the post-COVID workplace is a hybrid work model that allows more flexibility.

在过去, the five-day in the office workweek was the nucleus for building culture, 连接, 以及跨团队协作. 在新的混合工作周模型中, 这些once-organic, casual collisions need to be reimagined in new ways … and office hoteling is helping to do just that.

与“桌面,该公司提供工作站,先到即止, 标间, “hoteling” enables hybrid employees to reserve a workstation or designated space in advance via a desk reservation software or an app. 作为员工的关键功能和公司的工具, office hoteling bridges both sides' needs by offering employees the flexibility they’re looking for and companies a way to encourage people back into the office.

But office hoteling is only as good as the workplace experience that comes with it.

While offering office hoteling as an option is a great hook to get employees back into the office, building a worthy experience around it is what makes people stay and want to come back. 这是精心策划的员工体验, 策略性办公室布局, and technology play critical roles in helping to achieve a successful hoteling model that keeps employees coming back for more.


让员工回到办公室是一回事, but it’s entirely another thing to keep them wanting to come back. Offering hoteling as a feature hooks employees into returning to the office, 但体验才是诱饵.

从他们走进来的那一刻起, 直到他们离开的那一刻, the workplace experience must create meaningful inter连接s between the employee and their place of work. Whether that’s from the front of house service experience, 免费小吃和饮料, 优质的食物供应, 或者量身定制的社交活动, 正是这些时刻创造了持久的印象, 建立文化和联系, 让人们想要更多.


Office hoteling is only as good as the workplace experience that comes with it."



Thoughtful office configuration is crucial for an optimal hoteling experience. No one wants to come into work only to find the seat they’ve reserved is in a remote or underwhelming area of the office with difficult access to their co-workers or amenities.

A smart office reconfiguration to meet the needs of the hybrid workforce should create opportunities for casual collisions and collaboration amongst employees and spark creativity and productivity in new ways. 创造一个混合的办公社区, 会议室, and 合作的空间s offers access to different work settings, and serves to meet the needs of cross-functional teams as well as different segments of the workforce.

The hoteling model not only ensures everyone has a desk when they arrive to work but equally serves as a valuable tool for gauging space utilization, helping companies make informed decisions on workspace styles and space requirements that best suit their organization, 团队动力, 混合劳动力.


Sophisticated technology is what drives top-tier experiences, 效率, 工作场所的便利, and is a critical component to the success of office hoteling. To ensure an optimal office hoteling experience for employees, the company should invest in an intuitive reservation software and app that conveniently schedules seating. 另外, 让员工有效地工作, the company’s IT infrastructure must be well maintained and upgraded as needed to guarantee smooth connectivity, 安全, and easy access to company networks and drives while working in, 或者在办公室外.

Smart reservation software is often coupled with location beacon and sensing technology, enabling users to view available spaces and easily reserve their desk, 合作的空间, or meeting room of choice without having to physically go to the space. This type of ease and efficiency creates a positive user experience and makes office hoteling an effective workplace model.

在当今动荡的劳动力市场, office hoteling serves as both a talent attraction and retention tool and a way for companies to maintain use of their space while also meeting employees’ evolving 首选项 and workplace behaviors.

随着越来越多的公司采用办公酒店, optimizing the workplace experience to include exceptional service experiences, 有意义的联系, and moments of collaboration supported by sophisticated technology will be the key to its success. 



