
Five ways to use workplace experiences to attract your employees back to the office

现在很多人习惯了在家工作, companies need to find new ways to encourage employees to come into the office. Our 工作场所 Experience Team is helping companies large 和 small overcome this challenge. 在这里,他们分享了他们的最佳建议.

Young businesspeople laughing together during their office coffe


过去两年,职场发生了变化, with many companies embracing home working 和 hybrid work models. But most companies still recognize the benefits of having employees in the office, 即使一周只有2-3天. 强大的办公室文化允许自发的谈话, cross-functional mixing 和 collaboration – all of which can help to boost innovation. 这也增加了员工的归属感, which is regarded by many as an important metric for success.

I最近 德勤人力资本趋势调查, 79 percent of respondents said that stimulating a sense of belonging in the workforce was important to their organization’s success in the next 12-18 months, while 93 percent agreed that a sense of belonging drives organizational performance. 现在的挑战是, 因此, is not just to ensure that your employees come into the office; it’s also to enhance their sense of belonging when they are t在这里.

Whether you want your employees in the office full-time or just on certain days, 你可以给他们一些东西 他们回不了家; 分享工作经验 这给他们一种强烈的归属感和社区感.

A workplace experience is a carefully crafted experience or event that promotes an emotional connection with the workplace 和 colleagues. These experiences can be big or small – from Friday cake to inter-departmental sports events – 和 they can 他习惯于鼓励员工回到办公室, 无论是全职工作还是在安静的办公时间, 比如星期一和星期五. 

Here are five tips for creating workplace experiences that will entice your employees back to the office 建立更强烈的归属感.

1 .让它变得有趣 业务相关的

为了达到最佳效果, you should create workplace experiences that are fun 和 link to the company values or business strategy.


  • 对于companies driven by innovation, you could hold a Team Innovation Day. Gather employees in teams to brainstorm business-relevant innovations – 和 give out prizes for the best ideas. 
  • Companies with a strong green profile could set-up an Exchange Market. Invite employees to bring in items they no longer use 和 swap them for things they want.


Lunch is probably the easiest time to arrange an experience, 因为这是人们自然休息的时候团结起来 和社交. 在家里做午餐可以 不方便      -所以鼓励人们进入办公室 快, 方便又令人垂涎 新鲜的 他们可以一起享受的食物体验.


  • 促进 多元化,通过庆祝得到一顿丰盛的午餐 和探索 办公室食堂有不同的文化和菜系.
  • O组织课程,让食堂分享食谱, meals 和 tips to help employees improve their cooking skills. 这些可以在网上举行,但是, 如果他们是在办公室完成的, 员工可以充分享受品尝体验.

3 .营造便利文化

  • One of the main reasons people like to work from home is convenience – they can complete their workday 和 do basic household tasks, 比如洗衣服和扫地, 在休息时间. So why not offer basic services to make it more convenient for them to go to work?


  • Make it possible for people to take a family dinner home from the canteen on Mondays.
  • 如果你的很多员工都骑车上班, arrange for a local bike repair specialist to come in once a month to service 和 fix employees’ bikes. 

#4 打破藩篱,促进创新          

One of the biggest drawbacks of home working is the isolation. Employees can feel cut off, with little contact to colleagues from other teams 和 departments. So arrange     events specifically designed to create links between teams 和 management levels. This will not only create a sense of community but will also inspire innovation.


  • 每周安排一次与经理见面的活动, 员工可以在哪里吃早餐, 与一位高级经理共进午餐或喝咖啡.
  • 支持 the onboarding experience by connecting new starters, hosting building tours 和 arranging team lunches 和 events. 


为了达到最佳效果, you should mix regular weekly or monthly events with one-off workplace experiences that create an extra buzz 和 level of engagement. We recommend creating a calendar to give you 和 your employees a clear overview of what’s happening on what day. Make sure to carefully plan your calendar to ensure your experiences match your company’s business cycle.


  • 充分利用办公室以外的事情, 比如当地的体育赛事, 安排一次性体验.
  • 在“不太受欢迎”的工作日安排体验,例如星期一和星期五. To give employees extra motivation to come in give them something valuable to take away from the event. 例如, organize a ‘Boost your LinkedIn Profile’ event w在这里 employees get tips on how to improve their profile as well as a new head shot by a professional photographer.


工作场所 experiences not only encourage employees back into the office, but also help increase employees’ sense of belonging – so it’s worth doing them well. This involves careful planning 和 implementation – from developing a workplace experience calendar to promoting events among employees 和 delivering the experience itself. 

国际空间站 has a global team of 工作场所 Experiences Managers who design 和 implement workplace experiences for a wide range of companies, 包括国际银行, IT公司和当地食品品牌. If you want help designing inspiring workplace experiences, we’d be more than happy to assist.  

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