
A critical partnership that keeps society going

十年来, 国际空间站一直在负责Suomen Erillisverkot房地的运作, the State 安全 Networks Group 芬兰, a company whose operations are essential for Finnish society as a whole. 即使是冠状病毒大流行造成的特殊情况,也没有影响国际空间站提供的技术亿宝彩票app官网, energy management and other offerings.

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国际空间站和Suomen Erillisverkot(芬兰国家安全网络集团)之间的十年合作伙伴关系覆盖了芬兰大约15个地点.

这些地下地点是大型财产,基本设备受到保护. 由于其运作的性质,这些地点的位置是保密的. Erillisverkot是一家国有公司,负责处理对社会至关重要的管理职能, including national telecommunications networks and data centres.  

Erillisverkot的Esa Wörlin负责所有场所和亿宝彩票app官网器室的操作, for the company’s maintenance as a whole. 

“我们拥有数万平方米的空间和亿宝彩票app官网器机房. We have 位置 throughout the country from Lapland to southern 芬兰, 它们还包含使中央政府和商业公司之间能够通信的设备和系统. So we’re talking about communication stations and server rooms,埃萨说。. 

国际空间站的职责是确保这些重要场所的技术系统保持正常运行时间. 此次合作涵盖了所有建筑技术的维护和维修工作,以及对建筑技术设备生命周期管理的投资. 例如,如果通风装置发生故障,国际空间站也将负责更换. 

国际空间站 account manager Pasi Auvinen is responsible for operations on the account. 

“This is a broad partnership: 国际空间站 provides various services to Erillisverkot, such as technical maintenance, cleaning and control room services, 以及随叫随到的亿宝彩票app官网. 事实上, we provide all the services for the sites, except the locking system and security,帕西说. 

“除了, 我们最近签署了一份关于备用电源引擎试点和与亿宝彩票app官网器室相关的安装亿宝彩票app官网的协议,埃萨说。. 


Esa Wörlin, Production Manager, State 安全 Networks Group 芬兰
A committed team keeps facilities functioning 

Erillisverkot的业务领域对合作提出了严格的要求. 重要的是,合作伙伴必须确保对社会运作至关重要的地点保持安全和得到妥善照顾. 出于这个原因, 为Erillisverkot工作的每一位国际空间站员工都经过了筛选,并受到保密协议的约束. The team is committed and understands the importance of their work. 

“In this customer account, the turnover of team members has been very low. Most of the employees have worked on the same site for several years, and for them doing this job properly is a matter of principle,帕西强调说. 

A large number of 国际空间站 employees, such as technical professionals and specialists from the institutional side, are employed at the Erillisverkot 位置.  

“Many team members are in contact with the 位置 every day. At one of the 位置, we have a cleaner working full-time,帕西说. 



“从我们的角度来看, cooperation with 国际空间站 is divided into pre-maintenance, which is maintenance according to the annual clock, 全天候监控, where 国际空间站 monitors the functioning of our equipment round the clock,埃萨说。. 


“技术和能源管理中心的24小时物业控制室远程监控和分析位于客户场所的设备的运行情况. The centre forwards any alarms to the field, to our local on-call ring, 如果需要的话, 随叫随到的工作人员可以在一天中的任何时间去现场检查,帕西说. 

“由于我们的业务规模,我们需要一个稳定和熟练的合作伙伴进行维护.  因为通过Erillisverkot的场所进行数据通信对公共当局和公众都至关重要, operations must remain free of interruptions at all times. 出于这个原因, 国际空间站’s 24/7 监控 and repair services are essential from our point of view,埃萨说。. 

Operations continue uninterrupted during the COVID-19 crisis  

冠状病毒大流行造成的紧急状态对Erillisverkot自身运营的影响相当有限. 国际空间站的团队访问Erillisverkot的地点的频率和以前一样高. 运行的连续性是通过建筑技术的维护工作来保证的:通风, piping and cooling system maintenance, building automation and power unit maintenance. 

“Preparing for exceptional situations is part of the reason we exist, and so the coronavirus situation has not badly shaken us. Our equipment bay is built for crises. 通常来说, our system is duplicated, meaning that a hardware failure, 例如, will not on its own interfere with operations. There is a backup system for everything, and we are also supported by 国际空间站’s round-the-clock services,埃萨说。. 

然而, when news started to emerge about coronavirus infections throughout 芬兰, additional cleaning began to be carried out at Erillisverkot’s 位置. 现在,国际空间站的清洁人员比以前更严格、更频繁地对表面进行消毒, and do so several times a day in certain 位置. 国际空间站还向Erillisverkot提供消毒剂,以避免潜在的感染在这些地点传播. 

“国际空间站 maintains good internal guidance for its staff. 团队成员已被指示与他人保持安全距离,避免不必要的接触. 正常情况下在我们工厂工作的员工现在也在工作. There have been no big changes on the ground here,埃萨说。. 


“现在我们比以前更频繁地为客户更新应急计划,每周一次. 除其他事项外,这些计划包含有关可能的疾病或隔离病例的信息. 由于积极报告,我们能够为不断变化的情况做好准备,”Pasi说. 

以前每月举行一次的会议现在改为每周举行一次,并在网上举行,以确保安全. Erillisverkot对特殊时期的活动感到满意. 

“The basic idea is that the operations continue to function as normal, and so far this has been a success,Esa说. “几乎没有必要做出特别安排——至少我们没有注意到.” 


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