
Keeping customers supplied with PPE during COVID-19

在危机中,组织会非常清晰、非常迅速地展示自己的价值. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, 国际空间站’s Supply Chain & 采购团队通过为许多客户提供安全运行所需的基本设备,帮助他们保持营业.

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When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, relevant PPE (personal protective equipment), 洗手液和洗涤剂很快就供不应求. 从清洁消毒剂到口罩和手套,需求巨大. 供应商的库存正在耗尽,许多公司正在努力获得足够的基本设备,以确保员工和客户的安全.  

At this point, 国际空间站的战略性供应商战略和完全整合的全球供应链使其与众不同. 

Going the extra mile  

“When the crisis started, there were certain items that everyone wanted,” explains Emmanuel Buyse, Head of Group Supply Chain & Procurement at 国际空间站. “在相关个人防护装备和其他基本用品方面, manufacturers rightfully prioritised essential services, such as healthcare and elderly care. 之后就是关系问题了,我们是下一批买家之一.”  

国际空间站是世界上最大的产品采购机构之一,如洗手液和洗涤剂. Over the past few years, 我们已经从多供应商政策转变为战略性供应商战略, actively consolidating volumes. 今天, 这意味着我们与许多值得信赖的供应商密切合作, 是什么保证了我们能够源源不断地获得高质量的产品,这些产品是由与我们有共同的高道德标准并遵循我们的企业责任准则的公司生产的.  

“在正常情况下,这关乎一致性和透明度,”伊曼纽尔说. “这是关于共同努力,创造一个有利于供应商的道德供应链, for us and for our customers. During a crisis, as we have just seen, 如此紧密的合作关系意味着供应商将会加倍努力,满足我们的需求.”  

As the crisis progressed, 我们每天——有时每小时——与供应商联系,解释我们的需求和预测, so they could plan production and distribution. 这有助于减少客户的不确定性和短缺,并阻止价格飙升.  

We also talked to customers regularly. 事实上, 许多客户开始直接打电话询问我们是否可以帮助采购物品——就像他们联系自己的采购和供应链部门一样容易. 

“We never had an out-of-stock or left a customer hanging, and we never sent someone to work without the correct PPE. Given the circumstances we were in, that is amazing.”

Emmanuel Buyse, Head of 国际空间站 Group Supply Chain & Procurement

全球 teamwork reduces local shortages 

The supplier relationship is only half the story. When demand for PPE, sanitisers and detergents was at its peak, 我们的全球采购和供应链团队是世界上最灵活、最整合的团队之一. 

Due to the nature of the pandemic, 我们在亚洲的团队走在了曲线的前面,可以警告我们的其他团队会发生什么. Very early on, 我们的国家工作队加强了与当地站点的对话,以了解它们的数量和需求. We began scouring for secondary and tertiary suppliers. 当地无法满足的需求升级到我们的区域或全球团队——他们在危机最严重的时候每天开会——使我们能够通过全球供应缓解当地的短缺.  

一旦我们在一个国家有多余的物品,它们就会被转移到另一个国家. Our team in 新加坡 supplied masks to Switzerland. Our team in 奥地利 sent supplies to 西班牙. And there are many examples like these. 

“We never had an out-of-stock or left a customer hanging, and we never sent someone to work without the correct PPE,” says Emmanuel. “Given the circumstances we were in, that is amazing.”

Solutions no-one else can see 


We procure a huge variety of products, from food and beverages to vans and cleaning chemicals, utensils and machinery. 我们的采购人员联系了战略供应商,提出了新的要求:丹麦的一家果汁制造商, for example, began producing hand sanitiser.  

As the crisis began to fade in some countries, 我们还意识到,公司需要一种新的工作方式. So, 国际空间站集团与一家主要供应商合作开发一种新产品, called PURE SPACE, 在一个社交距离越来越远的世界里,是什么帮助公司建立了重返工作岗位所需的卫生习惯. 

People and business do better in a Pure Space

With Pure Space you not only achieve a new, higher standard of hygiene, you also get the data you need to maintain cleanliness,  排除污染风险并影响正确的行为.

Learn more/services/services-we-offer/cleaning/pure-space
Ready for whatever comes next 

The COVID-19 pandemic is not over. But, according to Emmanuel, our global Procurement & Supply Chain team is already looking to the future. 

“As is the case for most companies, 这场大流行病教会了我们很多东西,尤其是在危机时期, good partnerships make all the difference. 我们的目标是与我们的战略供应商合作,建立一个更具弹性的供应链. 我们还将继续投资于加强我们的全球供应链员工社区. 无论世界向我们提出什么挑战,我们都必须将深入的本地知识与全球供应相结合,以满足世界各地客户的需求.”   

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