How hiring for diversity and inclusion makes the world work better

在荷兰, 我们与客户和当局密切合作,为那些就业前景有限的人提供就业机会.

Hiring for diversity and inclusion
在国际空间站, 我们致力于创造一种工作文化,让每个人都觉得自己的声音被听到并得到支持——无论他们的背景或教育程度如何. 通过与客户的合作,我们正在寻找提供一个更加多元化和包容性的工作场所的方法. 

荷兰国际空间站社会创新部经理Edwin van der Pol分享了多样性是如何实现的 & 为客户提供“包容即亿宝彩票app官网”的理念促使我们在招聘时考虑到多元化和包容性, and then continually develop and support employees for long-lasting, 从事的职业.

Inclusivity equals innovation 

包容和多样性是指包容人们的所有不同之处——无论是看得见的还是看不见的. We view inclusion and diversity in the broadest sense, 包罗万象,从年龄、性别到性取向和体能.  

在国际空间站荷兰总部,埃德温和他的团队负责我们多样性的运营方面 & Inclusion as a Service offering. 这包括为那些可能难以进入和留在就业市场的人启动项目和机会. 

“我们有责任确保我们的劳动力反映出我们社会的多样性,埃德温说。. “We recognise that each person has unique strengths, and we choose to embrace those strengths in our way of doing business.”

多样化和包容性劳动力的好处是巨大的,并得到了广泛的记录. 我们自己的研究指出,领导层多元化的公司在财务上表现更好, are more creative and are better at fostering strong business relationships.

“从不同背景的人身上获得的洞察力对公司来说是非常有益的. 它带来了不同的思维方式和新鲜的视角,往往会导致创新. It’s not always easy, but it’s healthy for society and for our organisation.”

Bringing a diverse workforce to life 

国际空间站 started offering Diversity & Inclusion as a Service in 2015. 据埃德温说, the decision to start offering this service was driven by good intention, by law and by the customers. 

“我们的客户希望找到一种方法来提供一个更加多样化和包容性的工作场所. 荷兰通过了一项帮助弱势群体找工作的新法律, we pulled together and set up a department to make this vision come to life.” 

全球范围内, 国际空间站与区域劳动力市场合作,投资社会创新项目, local and national government and other entities. One such project in the 荷兰 is Top Academy, 国际空间站在哪里与公司、特殊需要学校和中学合作,提供职业和实践教育. 参与者可以在不同的行业中获得机会,从餐饮和园林绿化到商业和银行亿宝彩票app官网等等. 

“Top Academy is a project we’re really proud of,” Edwin says. “每年, 我们将大约40名没有初始资格的学生带入该项目,并在我们的客户群中进行混合学习. It has added significant value to 国际空间站 customers, employees and their families, and benefits for society as a whole.” 

Top Academy has a huge value for everyone involved, and exemplifies the power of our partnerships with customers like PwC:

"I am proud of our Top Academy journey,” says Marjolein Kurstjens, Demand Manager Facility Management at PwC 荷兰. “每年我们最多有12名来自鹿特丹地区几所实践教育学校的学生在鹿特丹办公室工作.” 

The students divide their time between school, on-the-job learning, and practical lessons at the office, with teachers coming to PwC to teach. 这种学术与现场指导学习的平衡对这些学生来说是有效的.

“With intensive mentoring, coaching on the job and by giving these kids a lot of trust, you can see their talents blossom and their confidence grow,玛乔琳补充道. “When they successfully complete this route, they have a great diploma. Even more importantly, 他们在要求苛刻和复杂的组织中获得了明显的相关工作经验. This gives them a great start to a further career. 去年,有几名学生进入了下一个学习-工作路线,或者在国际空间站工作.” 

With intensive mentoring, coaching on the job and by giving these kids a lot of trust, you can see their talents blossom and their confidence grow.

Marjolein Kurstjens, Demand Manager Facility Management, PwC 荷兰
支持ing people for success 

在登博什的Enexis办公室,苏丹在多样性下支持国际空间站食品亿宝彩票app官网 & Inclusion programme. Her role involves organising the company lunch, 要求供应, and facilitating the catering process. Sultan deals with mental health difficulties and anxiety, and benefits from the extra support her colleagues and managers can provide. 
“When I first started at 国际空间站, I was incredibly insecure. 我急切地想要去上班,我真的相信我无法在工作场所有所作为,苏丹说。. “However, shortly after starting at 国际空间站, my views about myself changed. I became more confident and I really started enjoying my work. 我和国际空间站的同事们相处得很好,气氛积极而鼓舞人心.”

对于苏丹, 她的新角色为她提供了一个机会,让她走出自己的舒适区,在一个安全和支持的环境中找到一份有吸引力的工作. 

“国际空间站给了我一个发展个人和发展餐饮技能的机会. 当我需要帮助时,我的同事总是可以帮助和支持我. 国际空间站的多样性 & 包容计划还安排了一名职业教练来支持我和我的经理,以确保进一步的发展.”

Sultan is one of more than 400 people hired in 2019 as part of our Diversity & Inclusion programme in the 荷兰. 该项目广受好评,被洛克菲勒基金会授予2019年全球影响力采购奖, 认可我们在招聘和提供职业发展机会方面所做的努力,否则这些人的可持续就业前景有限. 


“在国际空间站, inclusion is a high priority. 重要的是,这种方法是真诚的,并得到所有员工的支持, not merely from the top down.”


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