

web_wide - 2023 - _07_ai -角色——————工作场所——旗帜——房颤

Artificial intelligence is already transforming how many businesses operate. 在未来的几年里, leaders should prepare for its impact on the broader workplace experience.

The potential for artificial intelligence to transform business operations has been a topic of discussion for years. 但这是ChatGPT的兴起, bringing on never before seen creative capabilities with some distinct applications to day-to-day tasks, that has propelled AI into popular culture and accelerated its role in the strategic direction of organisations.

Facility management is no exception; some of the greatest potential for advancements in workplace experience comes from AI’s integration into our work environments. 在未来的几年里, 随着对其可能性的理解的发展, organisations can expect artificial intelligence to touch multiple aspects of the workplace, from how we construct and organise spaces to how we facilitate employee well-being.


自从ChatGPT在消费者领域推出以来, 人工智能在娱乐领域的应用, 教育, 商业发展迅速, with a host of companies and startups releasing new models regularly to meet a variety of needs. 从行业角度看, its applications to the entire food supply chain are numerous, from agriculture to recipes and onwards to food waste management. 近年来, researchers have developed a model that assesses the contents of a refrigerator to create practical recipes, including the necessary proportions and instructions to make the meal. 在更大的范围内, food companies have been using machine learning algorithms for years to create new ingredients and cultivate novel flavours at a speed and scale impossible to match with the human brain.

在农业, AI and machine learning performs tasks like monitoring self-driving tractors, 控制作物喷洒, 收集数据来帮助农民分析他们的收成. It is also thanks to AI that aquaculture companies now know the optimum feeding schedules to produce healthier shrimp while also using 30% less feed.

在设施管理方面, 预见性维护 —or using technology to monitor and mitigate workplace equipment failures in real time—already plays a major role thanks to the rise of smart buildings and the digitisation of maintenance equipment. 在这些数字工具的帮助下, facility managers create safer and healthier environments for workers, as well as reduce waste and extend the lifespan of buildings.

New examples of artificial intelligence’s applications arise every day. 随着劳动力技能的提高, leaders can expect increased productivity and accelerated decision-making as the technology becomes more accessible across industries.


我们的工作方式发生了变化, leaving leaders to find the right combination of hybrid touchpoints to drive productivity and culture simultaneously. Organisations who are most successful at attracting and retaining quality employees leverage data to curate excellent experiences at each of these touchpoints.

As artificial intelligence becomes more comprehensive in its applications, intelligent automation and adaptive workspaces tailored to individual preferences will do more than simply streamline a to-do list—they will act as a personal workplace assistant, doing everything from managing schedules to encouraging employees to take regular breaks for their health.

In a world where we increase our focus on skills-based hiring and training, AI will be a key tool to provide personalised recommendations for learning and upskilling depending on an employee’s interests, 学习风格, 以及长期的职业目标. As the workplace becomes more focused on collaboration and well-being, 科技不仅会让事情变得更有效率, but also give employees more opportunities to automate recurring tasks and spend more time on higher-value work.


关注可持续发展对我们的星球至关重要. As organisations pursue sustainable practices and net-zero emissions, AI presents exciting opportunities to help achieve these goals. 目前, 通过实时监测和调整能源系统, machine learning analyses and optimizes energy consumption in buildings and other facilities, 有助减少浪费, 更低的成本, 并尽量减少温室气体的排放. 它还优化了加热, 冷却, 或者基于占用率等因素的照明, 天气, 或者员工偏好.

随着技术的发展, leaders can expect more sophisticated ways to understand and reduce their energy consumption. AI-powered energy management systems will become more prevalent, allowing organisations to be more effective at reducing their carbon footprint. The technology’s ability to use data to maximize resource efficiency will help identify opportunities for waste reduction and recycling. 随着时间的推移, 随着气候变化的影响越来越大, AI will enable organisations to develop targeted strategies for adapting to changing environmental conditions through advanced modelling and more accurate predictions.

除了能源效率和碳减排, AI is likely to be a driving force for innovation and more sustainable long-term practices.


As AI becomes a more commonly used tool, ensuring ethical and responsible practices is crucial. Organisations and policymakers must work to mitigate algorithmic bias and support transparency and individual privacy.

The broad awareness and availability of artificial intelligence will serve to augment and shape the day-to-day experience of large segments of the workforce. 只要有正确的重点和强有力的监管, it can meaningfully impact organisations’ productivity and their ability to meet their bold ESG commitments.