
亿宝彩票app官网 as and where they are needed, even in extraordinary times

现在奥图泰90%的员工都在远程工作, 国际空间站 has agilely scaled its services to ensure that they meet the needs of this new situation. Lunches can now be delivered to employees’ homes from the staff restaurant, some office spaces have closed in order to reduce energy consumption, 在那些仍然开放的地方,清理工作已经加强.

FI案例- Jouni Mäkinen ototec 2









奥图泰与国际空间站的合作, 已经持续了十多年了, 已经到了设施主管的地步 & Premises 亿宝彩票app官网 Erkko Malinen of Outotec and Account Director Anssi Kuosmanen of 国际空间站 no longer need to hold formal meetings. 而不是, they meet over a relaxed cup of coffee at Outotec’s Espoo office, 安西也经常在那里工作.  

“正式会议的次数已经大大减少, as during the working week we often find ourselves meeting naturally, 除此之外,我们每天都有联系,Erkko解释道.  

Despite the unprecedented circumstances the world is experiencing, 这种日常接触或多或少还是正常的. The services have been altered to suit Outotec’s current needs and both companies are ready to react rapidly to the evolving situations.  

“It was truly commendable how agile the process was to adjust the services 国际空间站 provides in these exceptional times,埃尔科说.

“Our wonderfully easy cooperation with 国际空间站 ensures that we are well-prepared for changes.”

Erkko Malinen,设施主管 & 奥图泰的场所亿宝彩票app官网

奥图泰和国际空间站的渊源可以追溯到许多年前. Whilst the two companies have been working together directly since 2010, prior to that Outotec was purchasing 国际空间站 services indirectly, 穿过奥托昆普校区. 合作逐渐扩大, 现在国际空间站在拉彭兰塔提供亿宝彩票app官网, 埃斯波和奥托昆普办事处. 这些亿宝彩票app官网包括接待亿宝彩票app官网, 清洁, 维护, 重塑亿宝彩票app官网, 被Erkko和Anssi称为勤杂工亿宝彩票app官网.  

“最新增加的功能之一是能源管理, 我们的一些站点采用了什么,安西说。.  

除了能源管理, another notable addition to the service range has been restaurant services at the Espoo office.  

“We collaborated on the remodelling work and ultimately opened the restaurant in 2020. The restaurant forms a substantial element of the client experience, earning us a place in the client’s life each and every day, 一次只吃一顿午餐,安西说。.  

“这也是客户体验中美味的一部分. The office is located opposite the Iso Omena shopping centre, 所以这个地点很有挑战性, 餐厅的竞争非常激烈. 然而, 所有的反馈都是积极的, 在“快乐与否”调查中名列前茅,Erkko补充道.  

这家餐厅还有自动结帐的功能, allowing employees to purchase something to eat or drink at any time of day.  

“The automated checkouts have worked well in the staff restaurant, 哪个项目只对员工开放, 因为他们给员工的生活增加了一些灵活性,安西解释道。.  

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FI案例- Irmeli Salminen Outotec

When the transition to the current exceptional circumstances took effect, 餐厅能够立即做出反应, 确保粮食供应稳定. The service initially moved from a buffet set-up to pre-portioned meals, 加强操作,避免接触. When almost 90% of those working in the offices moved to 远程工作ing, Restaurant Director Osku Toivanen of 国际空间站 developed a service, which helps Outotec employees order their lunches to be delivered to their front doors. 

“Every day, we deliver around 50 lunches to the home offices of Outotec employees,安西解释道。.  

“We were very surprised by how well the transition to 远程工作ing has gone for the majority of employees. 我们借给员工办公椅和显示器, to allow them to work ergonomically from their home office. Lunches delivered to their homes also help the working day run smoothly,埃尔科说.  


In addition to the innovative solutions in restaurant services, 清洁工作也加强了, 和相应的, 接待亿宝彩票app官网正在用更少的人员进行管理. 因为现场的员工比平时少得多, 一些办公场所已经完全关闭. 

“我们已经关闭了60%的办公空间, which has significantly reduced the property’s energy consumption,Erkko说.  

“随着新的安排腾出更多的时间, we have reorganised our work and are currently undertaking tasks that would usually be scheduled for later in the summer, 比如擦窗户. 与此同时,房地产使用率下降了, property 维护 tasks must still be taken care of and the facilities kept clean and safe,安西解释道。.  

对于Erkko, the opportunity to scale the overall service entity to suit changing needs has been particularly important in this unprecedented situation. 一旦情况开始恢复正常, both companies will need to re-examine the service entity and decide what is needed. Anssi and Erkko have also already begun to consider whether 远程工作ing is set to become a permanent part of normal office work.  

“只有时间才能证明. Our wonderfully easy cooperation with 国际空间站 ensures that we are well-prepared for change,Erkko总结道.  


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