
Why workplace experience is more important than ever during COVID-19

The world of work is changing. As the workplace shifts from physical places to remote spaces, how do we maintain a corporate culture, positive engagement and support a sense of belonging?


职场经历是凝聚组织文化的粘合剂. Through service moments, employee events and spatial design, 地方可以不仅仅是墙壁和桌子——它们可以成为人们发挥所长的空间, most productive work. And have fun while doing it.

但在一个越来越多专业人士在网上见面的世界里,我们还需要职场经验吗? According to Signe Adamsen, Head of 工作场所 Experience at 国际空间站, 我们比以往任何时候都更需要它——我们需要一个现场和远程工作体验混合模式的计划.

A lasting impact on the future of work

COVID-19 has led to drastic changes in the way we work. Thanks to the world’s largest remote working experiment, we’re learning about what works and what doesn’t. 有形的工作场所往往更能为人们创造健康的工作日, with more balanced, nutritious food services, a more ergonomic work environment, better air quality, and a whole host of other benefits. 经常在家工作的员工可能会感到缺乏协作和沟通, 疏离感和孤独感以及心理和身体健康问题.

“Unplugging after work, 精神健康问题和糟糕的团队合作只是工作人员目前面临的一些考验. 这就造成了员工敬业度的问题,并可能给企业带来真正的成本——无论是生产力的下降,还是员工寻找新的、更令人兴奋的机会时人才的流失.”

近几个月来,在家工作的概念获得了更多的关注, 向现场和远程工作相结合的混合模式的转变已经进行了多年——早在大流行爆发之前. Advances in technology have played a big role in this development.

“科技通过虚拟会议和在线平台实现了更灵活的工作环境, 因此,今天的员工有更多的机会进行协作和沟通,西格说。. “That builds a bridge between the home, the office and even third places – such as co-working solutions.”

For employers willing to offer remote work, 在招聘和留住顶尖人才方面,有巨大的优势. According to a recent study by Slack, 72%的受访知识型员工希望办公室和远程工作的结合. Another recent study suggests, 允许员工在任何地方灵活工作可以提高工作效率.4%.

这一趋势需要职场战略来解决——无论是短期的还是长期的. Demand will increase for great, 支持员工在办公室工作的个性化亿宝彩票app官网体验, 在家里, 或者甚至是在当地社区的会议中心——技术选择超过家庭办公室的地方.

For employees working remotely, experiences will aim to provide flexibility in where and when to work, support productivity, 连接, physical and mental wellbeing, and ensure that corporate security guidelines are complied with, when working outside the office. 它还通过虚拟事件在培养强烈的归属感方面发挥着至关重要的作用, such as Friday happy hour meetups, 问答比赛, yoga and other physical activities.

For the physical office, 有必要强调其作为相互合作舞台的作用, 沟通, 创新和非正式会议以多种形式举行,以满足不同社区和工作文化的不同需求. 

工作场所 experience doesn’t happen by chance. It’s very much architected and tailored to the specific client.

Signe Adamsen, Head of 工作场所 Experience, 国际空间站 Group

Connecting communities

Since the increase in remote work was well underway before COVID-19, 国际空间站已经与客户建立了良好的合作记录,以充分利用这种新的工作环境带来的好处. Together with our customers and service delivery teams, 我们专注于创造令人难忘的工作场所体验,无论是实体的还是虚拟的工作场所,都能带来快乐和高效的员工队伍.

Community-building is at the heart of our approach. From small-scale ideas to global initiatives, 我们的工作场所体验团队采用360度全方位的方法来弥合“作为一个地方的工作”和“作为一个社区的工作”之间的差距.”

“We work with our customers to support their overall business strategy, creating a plan based on their needs and where they want to be,西格说。. “工作场所 experience doesn’t happen by chance. It’s very much architected and tailored to the specific client.”

同时提供实际支持,改变行为以适应混合型工作文化, 提供家庭办公设备,建立高效的协作机制, 国际空间站就如何制定新的远程和现场工作场所战略向客户提供建议. 向现场和远程工作的新混合方法的过渡需要仔细规划.

The workplace, redefined

我们的工作方式和工作地点正在发生变化,我们面临的挑战没有“一刀切”的解决方案. 展望未来, 工作场所必须值得通勤——以人为本的体验,让员工感到安全, healthy and empowered. 它必须是一个设计可以推动健康行为的地方——并提供广泛的环境,使每个人都能做到最好.

关键绩效指标将与COVID-19之前保持一致:吸引和留住合适的人才,并确保合适的人才具有生产力和成本效益, 透明度, brand protection and consistency. 然而,组织将需要更多地关注健康来处理这些问题 & well-being of individuals. 在2019冠状病毒病后,创造更安全、更健康的工作环境也意味着满足对可持续性的更高要求, flexibility and great curated service experiences, regardless of where people choose to work.


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