行业 & 制造业 

Powering the people and places behind the world’s top products

Success in industry and manufacturing depends on combining smart risk management and operational efficiency with innovation and automation. Offering both strategic advice and operational know-how, we’ll keep your plant clean, 合规和安全 and empower your people to be productive, ensuring production runs without interruptions at its most optimal levels. 


largest manufacturing companies in the world 



technical services professionals across the world



square metres of production plants across the globe


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We offer a range of facility management services specially designed for your needs, delivered by our own highly trained people or provided by our global network of strategic partner suppliers. With a partner that has global reach and scale, you benefit from consistency and reliability – and our constant focus on the health and wellbeing of your people and the efficiency and sustainability of your operations.


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亿宝彩票app官网 that drive consistency, safety and success

We offer a range of facility management services specially designed for your needs, delivered by our own highly trained people or provided by our global network of strategic partner suppliers. With a partner that has global reach and scale, you benefit from consistency and reliability – and our constant focus on the health and wellbeing of your people and the efficiency and sustainability of your operations.


Are you are interested in our services or do you have questions about something else? 我们是来帮忙的.